Internal Audit

Kelvin OFU OJONG (Internal Audit Manager)

In Pamol Plantations Plc, the scope of Internal Audit (IA) work is very comprehensive and encompasses all aspects of the organization and focus on risk management of both financial and non-financial activities of the Company, which branches into two units namely accounting procedure audit (Finance/accounts) and technical audit (engineering & plantations operations) respectively.

The aforementioned units are headed by Internal Audit Assistants who report to the head of department, the Internal Auditor or Internal Audit Manager as the case may be. Under each unit are supervisory staffs and clerks who conduct routine and sporadic audit checks on all transactions in the Company. Whereas the findings of internal audit checks are reported to the General Manager, the external auditor’s reports are presented to Board of Directors as a statutory mandate in connection with the financial results of the Company.


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Palm oil has been traditionally favored for domestic use within Cameroon.
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Copyright by Pamol Plantation Plc. All rights reserved.